Hello all, I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful girls 12 & 3. We started on the path of living a simpler life right from the start of our marriage. We always lived of the deer meat we shot and garden that I planted. However in the last 5 years we have took it to a higher level. Wanting our girls to grow up without all the modern tech (games TV act) we knew we did not want them apart of the CRAP most kids are in. It was important for us that our girls stay focus on what is important in life. First & foremost is serving our Lord Jesus! Now at days living and being a part of the WORLD or RAT RACE, make is sometimes difficult to do that. We realized early on that TV games and all that junk took us and our girls away form time with our Lord, so we got rid of a lot. Second important thing we want to teach our girls is how to live of the land and survive without government handouts. By doing this we are also teaching them to be good stewards of the land witch we are commanded to be. We have been homeschooling for 3 years now and have seen such an impotent in my oldest daughter grades and attitude.
My 12 year old often reads and listens to the videos on permie. We have used this site to learn and teach many things. I pray more people take a step back from all the CRAP the world has to offer & look to the important simple things in life, Faith Family and healthy living for all.
Though it all our one goal is to raise to wonderful Godly women that care about their neighbors and that can live on their own in hard times. Cuz God know, most of us are going through hard time right now and need faith and the know how to get though.