Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
Louis Laframboise wrote:What do you use as bait?
I have had success squeezing a raisin into the bait holder and this has worked beautifully. Upon simple observation, it looks like it is quite hard for the mice to remove the raisin without tripping the trap.
Good idea!
I use peanut butter for bait. Dear Wife is a PB lover and I take the last traces out of the empty jars. Since I reuse each trap many times it's important to refresh the bait. (Since deer mice can carry disease, I use a dedicated set of needlenose pliers and a flat screwdriver to empty and reset the trap without touching anything.)
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:Hack #10: I use drywall screws for all sorts of minor fixes since they're easy to drive in by hand and don't split the wood as much. They're not for anything heavy or structural of course because they're fairly brittle. But sometimes that's useful -- if I'm joining two thin pieces of wood, I'll put in a drywall screw that's 1/3 longer and break off the excess length by bending it with a hammer. It breaks roughly flush with the wood. The broken end goes into the metal recycling bin.