Sam Ewbank

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since Jan 28, 2012
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Recent posts by Sam Ewbank

Is there ways to spread the heat round the house better? I can see it heating two rooms well the one it, s in and the one thats behind the wall its against but worried about the other rooms

Ronan- From my basic understanding the barrel in the rmh will give you immediate heat for the room it is in. The mass will take in the heat from the flue and is given off slowly as it finds its equilibrium with the existing room temp and also acts as a modulator.

So one response may be to run the flue/exhaust and mass into additional rooms to transfer the heat. You could use fans to move the warm air but you would have additional cost in energy use.


11 years ago
Would anyone have information on Burdock being a dynamic accumulator?


12 years ago
That sucks- javascript:emoticon('');

Hope things work out

12 years ago
GA Homesteader-
In #1 you are installing outlets, lighting and a breaker box, do you already have electricity at/to the cabin?

If your running electrical wire and don't have a lot of experience, I would suggest you get a book from your library so you have something on hand as a reference guide.

Are you trying to do something similar to the attached diagram except where it says "utility" that's where your generator would be connected? or are you trying to charge your batteries with the generator?
As has been mentioned before do you know what your overall power consumption will be and will your site be able to support it. (PV site survey)

You may find helpful. There are a couple of articles here "" for small stand alone systems.

Good Luck

12 years ago
Daniel, are you still working on your project?
What material did you decide to go with?
I am interested to find out if you used natural wool (sheep?) insulation and what you thought of the results.

Thanks for your time

12 years ago

flaja Hatfield wrote:Does anyone have any ideas for using an ecologically sound building method to put up a greenhouse I’d like to have something that resembles London’s Crystal Palace or a palm house at a botanic garden,

You might get some ideas from Auburn University's Rural Studio:

Use of 80 chevy caprice windshields for glass wall construction of the Glass Chapel/Community Center in Mason's Bend AL


12 years ago