Alann Krivor

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since Feb 10, 2012
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To: Jesus Martinez. Thank you for the accurate portrayal of what Skokomish Farms is all about. Farm developments by four or five of us across the U.S. is an excellent way to preserve prime agricultural land from being swallowed up by urban sprawl. Washington State alone looses nearly 30,000 acres a year to urban sprawl. This is happening around the world as urban governments seek more land for growing populations. We're hardly a country club for the wealthy. We have military, singles, and marrieds with small children. You might say we're a real smorgasbord of people from around the world. Some of our owners are planning to live here full time, and take over certain reatil functions like Farmer Markets, CSAs, etc. Skokomish Farms plans to remain strictly a wholesale farming operation with the primary goal of providing abundant healthy food to our homeowners. Secondly, to market our substantial crops and livestock to institutions, restaurants and retail market outlets from Portland, Oregon to Vancouver, B.C., hopefully returning a profit to our homeowners.
13 years ago