When I heard the podcast about your brother Susan coming down and you talked about polydough, it sounded a lot like artisan bread douge recipe I found on Mother Earth News
Aritsan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.
Basically it's
3 cups of lukewarm water (~100 degrees F).
Edit - Water too hot will kill the yeast.
1 1/2 Tbsp Kosher Salt
1 1/2 Tbsp Active Yeast
6 1/2 cups of AP Flour
Mix and allow to stand for 2-5 hours at room temperature in a pot with a lid that is not air tight [it will double in size so pick a big pot]. You can use it right away, but it is easier to work with if you let it sit in the fridge for 3 hours. It can sit in the fridge for up to 2 weeks while you take off portions to use for whatever you want. If you want a sourdough flavor, don't clean the pot when you make the next batch and it will take on more of a sourdough flavor each batch.
That's my thought processes on the subject.
Thank you for your time and energy,
Tim Buckner
Edit - Just realized I didn't go into how to make the bread, but just go to the post and read. A little bit too involved to go into when it's already outlined there.