Taylor Adam

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since Mar 24, 2012
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Hey John I surf at county and go to neptune's sometimes too. Nothing like a beer and some fresh seafood after a fun day
11 years ago
I think Tom is referring to crossbullranch.com in Topanga Canyon. I haven't been there yet but they could be a good resource. If you don't mind disclosing Mischa what farm do you work on in Malibu? I live in the Ventura County area and I am always in Malibu especially in the summer due to one my favorite little beach breaks, Zuma! I have been trying to find a good place to volunteer/gain experience with permaculture. If you guys have any volunteer days, need an extra hand on the farm, or even have other projects I am trying to break through myself and maybe we could get in contact. Good luck!
11 years ago
looks like a great place to start thanks ben!
12 years ago
I had never heard of quail run and I am in fact in ventura county! Weird coincidence I will definitely check them out thank you Lloyd!
I agree tony water is an issue here and i will propose one of the alternatives you mentioned. Good advice about the rosemary i will look into that thanks a ton!
What all natural and environmentally conscious products do you use? For people just getting into a sustainable lifestyle this is a good place to start. Share your favorite products, thanks!
12 years ago
No garden share programs but I will contact the city about unused spaces to use thanks
ok didn't think about digging up the perennials thanks alex!
Isaac you're the man! I just looked and found a small guild in my area thanks for the tip and good luck with your internship! I will also look into the seattle food forest project
thanks jordan do you make any tinctures or oils?
12 years ago