Joe Braxton

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since Mar 24, 2012
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Recent posts by Joe Braxton

Perhaps this will give some ideas...    " The Winiarski Wood Fired Agricultural Food Dryer " used to be on the net, but now a PDF for download

8 years ago
If the welder says anything about drilling a hole in your stove to fix it, do not be alarmed.
Drilling a hole at the end of the crack will stop it from cracking farther while welding and will be the last part to be filled.
8 years ago
I'm too anti-social for social media.................
8 years ago
I'm not sure the 1/.1/.001/10% can control you unless you let them. There are many who have worked out how to control themselves, either through earning enough to drop out or earning so little that dropping out was a natural result. One way uses the system as built, the other ignores the system entirely. The trick is not to get caught in the middle. Many people cannot imagine anything other than working for their entire life.
9 years ago
Could you use your phone(with gps) to set temporary intermediate posts that are close and use the compass and laser to refine the positions?
9 years ago
A few random thoughts....not recommending any of this....

Not the most pleasant thing perhaps, but depending on where you live and what the local wildlife and road conditions are, would road-kill be viable? Around here I could gather enough for a whole pack of dogs all year long. Little to no cash input (gas?) and very little time involved. I'd check the laws first and probably plan to cook anything gathered to be on the safe side.

Another source might be any commercial chicken/turkey/hog farms near by. They all have animals die every day that have to be disposed of (bury, compost, burn), maybe you could collect them for the dogs. A lot of them have reduced/eliminated the hormones and meds of the past, but I'd still ask if going this route.
9 years ago
And another "spin" on a bike powered washer....

9 years ago
Found this, thought some might find it interesting. Enjoy

9 years ago
I've never used/needed snow shoes so not sure if this is helpful, but -

They have other styles as well.
9 years ago
Not much new info to most on here, but still a fairly good read. The second half is pretty good from a historical perspective, at least to me...Enjoy.

9 years ago