R Scott

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since Apr 13, 2012
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PH is probably a concern, I am so used to overly acidic soil that it completely slipped my mind. It isn’t as much of an issue than adding it to fluffy well draining soil, it simply will sit in the upper packed layer and not wash into the roots because it is not infiltrating water.

You could also do a flagstone walkway, simply sand bedded rock if you have it available. But definitely more money if you have to buy it.

1 week ago
Yes, basically packed soil. With extra lime in the top 4” or so to firm it up a bit when wet. You can mix in the lime with a tiller or a shovel/fork if you are up to the work. Level it really well with a rake, nice crown with no low spots to puddle, then tamp it a little-enough to keep it together but not a full brick. Getting the grade right is the most important part.
1 week ago
It isn’t a rock solid block, think of it like a hard packed path that doesn’t get muddy in the rain.  You can make it solid earthen colored concrete if you add enough cement and pack out like rammed earth, but you don’t have to.
1 week ago
Soil cement pathways are a thing, they did it at my college at least into the 90’s. They would till in Portland and lime chips, level and crown it, then pack it and top with a thin layer of lime chips. It basically acted like a dirt path that didn’t get muddy. Tiller, drop spreader, sprayer (for water), and a sod roller. All standard landscape tools, done by the regular maintenance crew, and could do it extremely quickly.

They probably switched to concrete for handicap access, but it was an easy cheap solution.

For your situation, I would do the same thing but skip the Portland. The key is to get the slope right to direct the water to where you want it. You can funnel a portion to the tree, leave the drip line mostly permeable, and make sure to not puddle.
1 week ago
Donut peaches are special, at least compared to basic store peaches.

Our problem is the false spring and late frost has killed most of the blossoms every year at our old place. We are going to select for late bloomers this time.
1 week ago
If you want landscape fabric, the heaviest widest you can find. Home Depot sells 13 foot wide fabric online. Dewitt sunbelt seems to be the longest lasting less likely to shed, really hard to find in the large size unless you have a good greenhouse supply local. Make sure to run it at least two feet wider and longer so you don’t have to string trim around the greenhouse.

Fabric is probably the best choice for growing in pots like for starts. If you are growing in the ground, I’d use something else, again a skirt so you don’t get weeds growing next to it and a few of the walkways. We used to use scrap conveyor belt but got it for free. Don’t do rocks!
2 weeks ago
Standard blue box portajohn is about 42-48 and tapers a bit so 42x42 will work if you put the bucket in the corner, but it will be tight.  

Building it to fit tractor forks is definitely a good idea if you have them.

Four long rebar stakes will keep it steady in pretty severe wind. But not guaranteed.

My preference for building material is metal barn siding, but that was my job for a long time so I have the tools and experience and lots of scraps saved up.

If I had to build one these days with your access to a sawmill, I’d build it 48x48. Buy one landscape timber to make skids, 2x lumber for the floor and 1x for the walls. A little porch overhang in front but not much on the sides or back.  
2 weeks ago
Berkeley method is by far the fastest, but kind of high labor.

Static aerated is by far the easiest for make ORGANIC CERTIFIED compost at a market garden/microgreen scale but it isn’t fast or necessarily complete.

What is the plan for the compost when done? Why they need for speed? How much space do you have to work this? Any machinery like a loader available? Labor to spare?
2 weeks ago
Aluminum trailers in this size range only save 50 pounds or less, not worth it for capacity. They are a lot more salt resistant so it might be worth it if you use it in the winter.  

Check with dmv about plates and permits. These rules vary wildly from state to state, some don’t need anything for a small trailer, some need extra insurance, etc.

Longer trailers are easier to back than short ones, short ones jackknife super easy. Make sure you can see the back corners of the trailer in your mirrors. I put a set of snow plow flags on mine so I could see it above the tailgate.

Make sure to check the wheel bearings often, especially in the beginning.
3 weeks ago
Roasted whole garlic is wonderful, but I wouldn’t do it at the same time as banana bread

This is something my grandma was excellent at. Usually she would do all bread/pastry at the same time.  Pan up the bread loaves to rise and put them on the warming rack.  Make the banana bread and put it in. Make some brownies or coffee cake to fill up the oven. While those are baking she made any small yeast rolls.

1 month ago