Rob Meyer wrote:An idea just popped (pooped) into my head. I live in a very populated area, suburban bordering on urban. What I'm picturing is basically a public restroom, with a back yard. The purpose would be to have a community supported compost operation. This compost, once ready, could either be picked up by those who have made previous deposits, or the surplus distributed to local organic farms. Obviously there would be incredibly tremendous health regulations, and likely a good deal of dependency on education and community outreach, but what do you think? Could such a system ever come to be in our life times? In the same vein, what can we do to change the perceptions that society has surrounding composting human feces? In western culture, it's extremely taboo, viewed with disgust and fear. What are some ways we can start to chisel away at these preconceptions?
I"ve also been thinking a lot along those lines. It started with the thought ( dreaming about my Off -Grid house). I thought it would be cool to add a treadmill to batteries for solar? Every once in a blue moon when I can't stand myself any longer; I shut off the computer and go to a local gym. It's a big gym and cheap with all age groups. As I'm on the treadmill watching cooking shows; I can't help but observe all the wasted potential energy being wasted by people busting their asses on treadmills etc. . What if all these machines were hooked up to batteries. Florida has sun and net metering? Along the same lines RV PARKS? God knows like clockwork northerners, mid weterners,canadians are going to come to Florida and Stay in these parks during winter. I would venture to guess that many of these people come from an agrecultural backgrounds (monoculture)? All their greywater and waste water has to be disposed of somehow? If and that's a big If because I don't know anything about this stuff! Asumming that greywater and wastwater are both assets; then maybe these assets could be used in a more beneficial way? Permaculture/Foodforesting, or just reforesting? It could be a learning experience?