I'm taking it slow this year, but it's still much easier and more fun to get things done with at least one other pair of hands. I can offer room, board, a small stipend, hands-on experience with organic gardening, permaculture, and construction, a beautiful piece of woodland to explore, a pond to swim in, a relaxed atmosphere, and some good company in exchange for your assistance on different projects and chores around Maya Creek.
The work includes help with planting, weeding, watering, harvesting, and preserving the 3,000 sq. ft. organic no-till garden. The critical project that needs to get done this year is to finish the 3,500 gallon concrete rainwater cistern. The hole has been dug, though it will need some more shaping. There may also be some work done on the shed and various other projects.
Other tasks will include things like helping to load/unload manure to build compost piles, general clean up, watering/harvesting shiitake mushroom logs, and taking care of the dog and cat if I'm away. We will either share or take turns cooking and doing dishes.
Having cooking experience is a plus, though I don't mind teaching what I know. You will need to be in moderately good physical shape, ie able to lift 50lbs. Based on my goals for the year I expect we'll have a leisurely work pace, but if you find yourself tired or feel overworked I expect you to tell me and we'll slow things down. I prefer a non-smoker and that you not be in the habit of
abusing other substances.
Workload Expectations
I'm looking for someone who can start in April or May and who can stay for
at least 4 months, although you're welcome to stay on up through October. I expect that we'll be putting in 20-30 hours of work most weeks, which will includes things like cooking, dishes, laundry, as well as the gardening/construction work.
I'll be gone for a week here and there during your stay, in which case I only ask that while I'm gone you do general maintenance ie, take care of the dog and cat, take out the garbage, clean up after yourself, etc. I'm also flexible if you would like to take some time off for trips during your time here though I ask you that give me as much notice as you can.
You will be given the other side of the straw bale duplex, which is roughly 180 sq. ft. including the loft area. There is no finish plaster on the walls or floor, but it will keep you dry and cool in the hot summer. There will be a full-size mattress and some basic shelving provided to you.
I typically make mostly vegetarian meals, though I am flexible to your dietary needs or wants. Once the garden produce starts coming in we'll likely be eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables from there. All reasonable food requests will be provided, unreasonable requests would be things like filet mignon, caviar, microwave dinners, etc. Also, candy and beer are not included, though there will likely be some just don't count on it. I have a large collection of homemade wine that I'll gladly share.
I will provide $100/month cash on the 1st of each month. If you stay at least 4 months as I'm asking, I will give an additional $100/month for each month that you've worked here. For example, if you stay 5 months, I will give you $500 when you leave.
To Apply
First, visit my website,
www.MayaCreek.org and look around to make sure it looks like something you're interested. Then if you're still interested in the position, please send me an e-mail about yourself and why you're interested in it to
tao@mayacreek.org. Please let me know about any skills or knowledge you have that may apply to working and/or living out here. Also, I ask that you include 2 people as references.