I'm 26, looking to connect primarily via writing (for now) and make friends and connections, especially regionally across the more northern parts of NE.
I don't feel particularly inclined to post relationship dictums/deal breakers. Not that that's not on my radar (it is), but before all else I would simply like to make individual connections and seek further as an extension of that, as intuition might allow. My feet for relationship aren't cold, per se, but a bit tepid.
I was "unschooled" (I prefer the less loaded descriptor "spared formal education"), have lived on various off grid farms/ projects for periods ranging from 10 days to a year and a half. I deeply desired to set root as early in life as I could but haven't quite achieved that yet (probably for the best). Currently in an exploratory phase trying to figure out where I want to be in (most likely) NE. Learning to appreciate no debt or substantial weighing-down factors.
I developed connections with a lot of "old guard" hippies around Maine and New Brunswick and for the longest time eschewed the younger crowd out of reclusive habits and lack of social energy. Now I kind of want to interact with less grumpy old bastard sorts. Drawn more to the earnest and unaffected, ideologically ambiguous, and those skeptical of cliques, sub-cultures and group think.
Interests begin with hand tool labor and green woodworking which I have found engrossing for some 14 years on a "full time" basis. Axes, scythes, and especially self made handles for each are long standing interests. I love old elegant hay rakes and forks and have very pleasant memories being involved in by-hand hay production. Human powered earth working tools are fun. I am a dilettante crosscut saw filer/interceptor from the waste stream. I lived in Aroostook county for about a year and a half and heated/cooked with wood and have never used a chainsaw, so I can make hand saws "go". I also converted my hosts to crosscut saws and they haven't used a chainsaw since, as far as I know. I would view being eventually settling into a life where I can use these tools to produce most of my more "material" sustenance both as a great privilege and pleasure.
I also make spoons to pass time and for gifts/pocket money, enjoy (at least sometimes) tinkering with small engines (mostly small tillers and old European mopeds), riding said mopeds (stock and slow: takes longer and you have more fun

), like to dabble in gardening and permaculture systems, scratch cooking, a bit of music and lo-fi recording. I think Ringo is the best Beatle.
I am a very friendly and jovial cynic, with no depressive tendencies but plenty of neurotic/creative force and angst, interpersonal dynamics are an interesting muse to me and I have lived in and reflected upon many very dysfunctional living arrangements. Politically/ideologically/socialogically scrambled, so I've learned to exist in "at-odds-ness" with people and (mostly) enjoy it. Earnest and, at times, awkward and prone to social exhaustion. I possess a sense of humor that the excessively formal may find "affronting", that is very dear to me. I try to sneak it into things like vegetables into picky kids' foods.
Anyway, I'd be happy to connect, so send me a message sometime. Prone to the written form of verbal diarrhea so I will pinch this one off here.