Livestock won't touch it, I think it's the slight minty taste. I munch on it often. It's not in my hay fields just the pastures. I don't remember even seeing it in the hay I bought that year.
Yeah, lemons to lemonaid, if you can't beat them join them! Sort of funny, I found websites selling seeds for 3 cents each. Giving painful details on how to germinate the seeds and get the little plants to grow. I've been trying for years and can't kill the stuff!
rattle snake weed is Jieraclum gronovil L. or hawkweed
We have a rattle box weed here which is a larger version of the rabbit bell weed, both poisinious to livestock, can't think of the latin name of either of hand.
Sorry, had to look it up. rattle box is Crotalaria spectabilis aka showy crotalaria, contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, nasty stuff!