Meryt Helmer

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since Oct 02, 2012
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I have survived pretty severe child abuse and have now broken my families cycle of abuse by raising my own children in a healthy, loving, respectful home.
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west marin, bay area california. sandy loam, well drained, acidic soil and lots of shade
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Recent posts by Meryt Helmer

my next door neighbor is a biology professor and raises his own goats and chickens. when he ends the lives of his chickens he numbs their necks he said and is super careful to do it in the kindest way he can. maybe you can find someone like that. also for dairy he said that if i could help milk his goats he would give me half the milk and probably would even teach me to make cheese. that is not something i really feel like i want to do but it sounds like you would do well with a neighbor like mine. i hope if that is what would work best for you that you can find someone like that.
9 years ago
i come from a place of trauma and abuse too. a lot of it and it is why i first liked what he was saying. but yeah. i am glad i am not alone. thank you Tyler!
9 years ago
it is his issues with gender that make it hard for me to listen to the rest of what he is saying. i wish he would open his eyes up to the possobility that gender is not assigned by ones chromosomes or include intersex people in his language as well?

before i learned that about him though i was watching all his videos i could find and finding his language about gender kinda feeling wrong but unable to articulate it while i nodded to the rest of his words.

i am someone who does not identify as female or male but yeah. that is probably not for permies or not for this thread. i think he could reach many more people if he changed his language though and possibly help a lot more people which is sort of sad for me.
9 years ago
there is a book that was written more for the part of california where I live but it has lots of good information on how to landscape to provide the most protection for fire it is called
Firescaping by Douglas Kent

as far as living roofs go I would not plant a lawn on a roof but sedums instead or other plants that hold a lot of moisture and resist burning. you can plant a moat of cactus or nastursium, a plant that is to wet to burn well and it can provide some protection. the book firescaping reminds me of permaculture in that it takes the idea of zones but then uses plants for each zone based on how flammable it is rather than use for food. the ideas work well together.

I also like fire mimicry but doing a search I find other things also called fire mimicry. I first learned about trying to imitate what would happen if fire was not suppressed from here
9 years ago
I do not know what is native or what would do well in your area but I know there are some very nice edible tubers native to both east and west coasts and I would try and find what tubers or bulbs or root crops might do well where you are.

also I have no idea if prickly pear is native or would do well in your location but it is native to my state and many other states maybe it doesn't go east past texas though? hmm. it is a plant I really love because it is so easy to grow here and so yummy! I adore the nopales! you get a vegetable in the pads and a fruit with the fruit! a fantastic plant.

sunchokes should do well for you and can feed a lot of people.
9 years ago
I second it being dug up
in my backyard that is called "party time"

but I do something like that with some 5 gallon buckets. i drilled holes in them got screw on lids and bury them with just the top sticking out. i add in some compost worms and worm bedding and that is where some of our kitchen scraps grow. I like to put these near fruit trees or tree collards and I don't seem to need to really do anything to maintain them. it took some trial and error to get the moisture and everything worked out right and in the beginning a few times i had to pull a bucket out and remix the contents with some dryer stuff but once i get them balanced the worms are moving their castings out of the buckets and the plants near them are are putting roots around the buckets and I now have a nice worm population in the mulch where I had none before because where I live there are lots of things that love to eat worms!
9 years ago
I adore nettle soup but it has a distinct taste. I tend to enjoy things made with large quantities of any green leafy vegetable especially soups made with leafy green veggies!
9 years ago
that is so cool! i think i may try and set something up like this!
9 years ago
I came here just to say what I suspect has already been said but I am having heath problems with fatigue so I can't read every comment

the background and sides are just too dark brown for me to read it comfortably. I prefer the old theme as far as readability and ease of use of the site goes.

I did read a little and I want to say I agree with Cynthia Quilici about the importance of knowing when a post was posted. this seems useful and like the site will work better to keep this information easily seen.

and I want to disagree with Cynthia Quilici about requiring people put in a zone for climate. I have so many micro climates that are different enough the local zones on charts really don't help me much at all. my average year round temperature is right around 70 so plenty of plants need more frost than we get here and plenty of plants don't ripen well here but plenty of plants grow fantastic here that don't grow well in most of the world. I have never seen any sort of climate zone chart that really helps me. I need to look at specifics for each plant to see if it will grow here. I am happy to say I live in a cool foggy pacific coast climate that is not far north enough or foggy enough to be considered part of the oregon washington group and it is not nearly warm enough or tropical enough for the other groups here.