Greetings Permies! We have a permaculture farm in Virginia named Shine and Rise: and this summer we will be expanding rapidly with plenty of exciting hands on opportunities for folks that want to learn about any or all of the following.
Geodesic Green house
Solar power pumps
Swale and Berms
Annual/ Perennial growing
Rammed earth tire construction
Goats...goats. goats
and lots more.
We would love to have folks who certainly want to learn but more importantly people who have something they want to try. Our site is completely off the grid utilizing thermal mass in building design, solar panels, and our backs to accomplish our goals and so there is no small amount of out of the box thinking. If you have a project with alternative energy you have been dreaming up, a new system for growing, a vision for a piece of public art, or simply want to be around like minded people than contact us at and let us know what you are about.