Ken Grunke

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since Oct 14, 2012
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Longtime resident of Dreamtime Village, an intentional community in SW Wisconsin fending off the corporate poisons surrounding us.
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Recent posts by Ken Grunke

Lynne Cox wrote:Hi there
I would like to buy some comfrey, can you please text me to coordinate? Thank you lynne

Hi Lynne, did I fulfill an order for you? I don't see anything in my records. Sorry if this slipped by me!
4 months ago
I'm back at it again, still have oodles of Russian Comfrey plants (Symphytum x uplandicum) to dig roots from. We may have yet at least another week before a hard frost hinders my digging. For those in warmer zones, you have even more time to plant. Everything is the same as quoted below, save for shipping costs. USPS is my route of choice. I will not do FedEx, sorry. UPS is inconvenient for me, as I don't get home pickup. Here's the rundown on postage for Autumn 2024:

1 to 2 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate padded envelope for $11.20 postage.
2 to 6 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate medium box for $19.30 postage.
Up to 12 lbs densely packed with root pieces cut small are packed in a large Flat Rate box for $26.00 postage. Uncut roots in all cases will be a smaller amount by 10 to 15 percent.

Reserve your order by telling me how many pounds you want, and whether you want it cut into small pieces to pack more densely, or left as larger pieces. Then I'll dig the roots and send you a Paypal invoice when your order is ready. I can also accept Venmo and will send an email invoice for that. Here's some recent pics, within the last week, of our comfrey patches:

Ken Grunke wrote:Now's a great time to put Comfrey roots in the ground, to give them plenty of time to establish themselves before winter. I have oodles of Russian Comfrey plants (Symphytum x uplandicum) to dig roots from. This is an easy to grow plant with many benefits for the garden and farm. It is non-invasive (does not self-seed or spread). Comfrey is a wonderful compost additive,  and can be used to make a "Green manure tea" from the leaves for a garden and potted plant fertilizer. Most folks have heard of it's medicinal properties as an external poultice for minor wounds and broken bones. I have successfully treated skin rashes this way. Last, but probably not least, is the flowers attract bees and other beneficial insects.

The roots ship well over a 3- to 5-day window. My roots are dug to order and shipped by USPS Flat Rate within a day barring unforseen circumstances of life. Root are $12.00 per lb. plus shipping.

1 to 2 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate padded envelope for $8.
2 to 6 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate medium box for $15.00.
Up to 12 lbs densely packed with root pieces cut small are packed in a large Flat Rate box for $21.00. Uncut roots in all cases will be a smaller amount by 10 to 15 percent.

Reserve your order by telling me how many pounds you want, and whether you want it cut into small pieces to pack more densely, or left as larger pieces. Then I'll dig the roots and send you a Paypal invoice when your order is ready.

4 months ago
Hi Mark, I managed to cram 2 1/2 lbs into a FR padded envelope. Yours was my first dig of the season. Ahhh, the aroma of fresh chopped comfrey leaves is so fresh and invigorating! I'm not the best person to give planting advice, as I've mostly dug them up. I guess roughly 1 oz of root pieces every 3 ft or so.

I honestly don't know the origin of the plants we have, other than they were planted in the early 90's.  There are several stands spread out over a couple acres amongst fruit and nut trees.

I'm assuming you are using Paypal? As soon as I get an email address associated with PP, or any valid address, I'll send a Paypal invoice. You actually don't need an account, they will accept credit or debit cards from non-account holders.

Roots are all packed up and ready to ship. If payment reaches me by midnight Central, I can have them shipped in the morning. Total will be $39.00.

Thank you so much!

Mark William wrote:I'll take a flat rate padded envelope as full a you can get it (two pounds if I understand right). Please go ahead and cut them up. That seems like it will be the best way!

I'm posting instead of moosing because I was curious how much area you would recommend to plant per pound of cut up comfrey root?

I'm also a little bit intrigued about the origin of these roots. If there's a story to share, do you mind sharing where they came from?

2 years ago
Still available!
Shipping prices are adjusted for recent increases (see quote below). Root prices are the same as in original post - $12.00 per pound.
I'll be digging until sunset of June 5, and leaving on a month-long trip on the 7th. No orders taken after midnight June 4th - that will be Saturday night/Sunday morning.

I do have a small amount of Bocking 4 roots to sell. Haven't decided on a price yet.

1 to 2 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate padded envelope for $9.
2 to 6 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate medium box for $16.00.
Up to 12 lbs densely packed with root pieces cut small are packed in a large Flat Rate box for $22.00. Uncut roots in all cases will be a smaller amount by 10 to 15 percent.  

2 years ago

C. Letellier wrote:Do you know which type?  4 or 14?  If I understand correctly Symphytum x uplandicum is 14 but just making sure.

I have read and been told that Symphytum x uplandicum is neither, it's the original Russian comfrey  before the Bocking trials. Definitely not 4, if it's not 14 the strain very similar to it.
Here's one article shedding some light, if only because the word "bocking" doesn't appear anywhere:
Symphytum x uplandicum - Plant Finder
4 years ago

Amy Elben wrote:I ordered a large box of comfrey roots from this fellow and BOY was i impressed!    He was eager to please,   wanted to make sure I got exactly what i wanted, and kept in touch to keep me informed on the status of my order.    My box arrived in perfect shape ....the roots were succulent and healthy and I have every confidence they will be making an appearance above ground even before winter comes.   Thanks SO MUCH Ken!!

So glad the package made it to you without exploding. I was worried due to the Postal Service delay. Roots can mold if left too long in an airtight box. Now I'm more confident my way of packaging is secure enough for future orders. Appreciate the update, Amy!
4 years ago
Now's a great time to put Comfrey roots in the ground, to give them plenty of time to establish themselves before winter. I have oodles of Russian Comfrey plants (Symphytum x uplandicum) to dig roots from. This is an easy to grow plant with many benefits for the garden and farm. It is non-invasive (does not self-seed or spread). Comfrey is a wonderful compost additive,  and can be used to make a "Green manure tea" from the leaves for a garden and potted plant fertilizer. Most folks have heard of it's medicinal properties as an external poultice for minor wounds and broken bones. I have successfully treated skin rashes this way. Last, but probably not least, is the flowers attract bees and other beneficial insects.

The roots ship well over a 3- to 5-day window. My roots are dug to order and shipped by USPS Flat Rate within a day barring unforseen circumstances of life. Root are $12.00 per lb. plus shipping.

1 to 2 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate padded envelope for $8.
2 to 6 lbs are shipped in a Flat Rate medium box for $15.00.
Up to 12 lbs densely packed with root pieces cut small are packed in a large Flat Rate box for $21.00. Uncut roots in all cases will be a smaller amount by 10 to 15 percent.

Reserve your order by telling me how many pounds you want, and whether you want it cut into small pieces to pack more densely, or left as larger pieces. Then I'll dig the roots and send you a Paypal invoice when your order is ready.

Attached is a pic of just one patch of what I have to offer:
4 years ago

Jamie Stubbs wrote:Is anyone able to help me on this type of wood? I think it is Cherry, but not really sure. Thanks

Looks very much like Cherry to me Jamie.
6 years ago

Mike Jay wrote:Thanks Ken for the order two weeks ago.  They've been in the ground for 14 days and several are up already.  Probably the ones that had green growth on them already.  I should be buried in comfrey in a few months

You cut mine to 2-3" per my request and I'll try to remember to update this thread with how they perform later this summer.

Mike, I appreciate your report! Just don't let the plants get thirsty, and they should do good.
I have several pounds available that are already dug, iin a bin covered in loose soil in my cool basement, just begging to be planted. And much more to dig.
I want to ask my future customers if you would like me to cut root pieces shorter so I can cram more in a box. They typically would be 2-3 inches long. I have been shipping roots in 3-8 inch lengths, making it more difficult to pack tightly. I thing I can pack 3 lbs in a padded envelope, maybe even 4.
Possibly 14-15 lbs in a large flat rate box.
Prices and shipping are the same as last year, detailed in the post just above.
Also, last fall I planted a few Bocking 4 plants so that will be available next year.
PM me or email at kenearlg at gmail dot com please.