monty ali

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since Oct 20, 2012
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Recent posts by monty ali

I have a patch about 15 meters by 2 meters where i have planted some fruit trees, i was wondering if there is anything i can grow there that i can use as chicken feed?
the soil isn't fantastic there, it's very heavy clay and does get boggy in the winter (when it rains a lot) and it's in partial shade
10 years ago
I picked up one of my hens a few days ago and my two roosters came running and squared up to me so i squared up back at them and gave a bit of a roar they haven't done it since. My last rooster tried the same so i gave him a little push and a roar and that put an end to that. It's funny because that same rooster would always harass my mum and it actually pecked her a couple of times until she did same as me. He soon leaned his place! It might be worth a try. I'm glad he was a bit of a rowdy boy because he did his job when a fox came by, but thinking about it if i ever thought any of them were a threat to my kids they'd very quickly be served up as dinner!
11 years ago
maybe wood pigeon...
11 years ago
Do guinea fowls make a lot of noise? are they as bad as a rooster?

I want the birds i get to be self replacing rather than having to buy in new chicks?

I've had a look at the idea of maybe raising pigeons? has anyone got any experience of raising these for meat?
11 years ago
Rabbits are definitely a no no i don't like them.

I wasn't referring to more chickens i'm quite happy with the ones i have for now. I was asking about a different bird species? eg quail etc. does any keep any or have any suggestions
11 years ago
Sorry i missied it out my bad, Leeds, UK
11 years ago
Also are there any laws restricting the birds i can keep?
11 years ago
can you guy's suggest some different types of birds that i can raise for meat? i don't have a huge amount of space just my back garden which is about 1/4 acre half of which is used to grow veg and fruit, the other half is for my kids to play. i want to keep them in some sort of aviary type set up so i know where they are and are easy to catch. I do already keep chickens but because of the space there is a limit to the number i can keep.
can i keep the birds in the same pen as my chickens?
11 years ago
what does everyone use for bedding and litter? and how often do you clean your coop.

11 years ago
what is a good chicken to breed with my orpington roosters for meat?
11 years ago