At this time we have chickens, turkeys, and ducks for eggs and meat. We also have goats for milk and meat. We also have rabbits for meat. We do have 100 x 40 foot garden but our next project we are a bit clueless about. We have purchased several books but they do not always have the answers. We are building an aquaponics/greenhouse. At this time it is a hole in the ground four feet down 25'wide by 30'long, so that we can bury the 15 foot, around, pool (the above ground ones you purchase at Walmart). We are planning on filling the hole in til it is one foot shorter than the top of the pool. That way the pool will be mostly under ground and will take less to heat it. At this time we don't know what to do with the walls, that are still underground, to water proof them. So that they do not get mucky or collapse after we put up our grow beds and the rest of the green house which will be above ground. Also will an above ground pool be strong enough to hold with just dirt and the pool or should we put some sort of a lining between it? We would like to have Tilapia in it by the start of next March. I can take a picture of the hole tomorrow if it would help. I can also draw up a design on what I am thinking for a greenhouse as well. I should mention we live in southern Arizona so it is fairly warm all year around.