One of the easiest things you can do to help out Paul and the empire is to tell all of your friends, and these days that means Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Google + . . . you get the idea.
Posting a Thread on Facebook
When you come across a post that you thing is great and want to share, go to the top of your browser and copy the link and then head over to your Facebook page.
Click in the 'Update Your Status' and paste the link, add some of your own words on why your friends should check it out and hit post.
If there is a video or picture in the article or thread, it will show up when you paste in the link. It will look a little something like this:
The same principal can be applied to Google+ and Twitter.
Sharing a Permies Post on Facebook
easier way to share what has already be posted on Paul's fan page (you have liked his fan page, right?)
You see where is says share. Click on that and a pop up will come up and then click Share Link and then all of your friends will be able to see it.
Other good places to share permies stuff is Reddit, and Pintrest.
There are many, many more social media sites and if you are active on any of them, share any and all of Paul's (or other Permie people's) videos, articles, and threads. It is great way to share the permaculture love.