irma nator

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since Dec 03, 2012
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Recent posts by irma nator

Mental health is important.  I think there's also 2 sides to this one. Group 3 people maybe fully tired of being closed up. Idk what to do but general respect and no shaming either way is a great start.  I dont mask but I respect others social distance unless I know them personally and know their stance. A lot of people are group 3 but go along with masks because their tired of being harassed in permies.
4 years ago
I want to have a big garden and raise some chickens.... maybe eventually a couple cows. But for now I'd like to help you occaisonally. I need learning experiences. I am a hard worker, fast learner, appropriatly cautious, strong for a girl. I had illeagal chickens for a month inside, so I have a tiny bit of experience with them. I have dogs and cats. I don't need a home, I just want to come and help you do things I want to learn to do. Like take care of your animals. maybe help with butchering. I will do what I am told and I am free labor. I live in wayne county ny and your place would need to be with in an hour drive. I work a job so I cant help everyday. I have not written a post like this so if there is anything I need to add or questions let me know. thanks
12 years ago