Tyrr Vangeel

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since Dec 17, 2012
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Burra Maluca wrote:...  

Picture is broken (says my pc)
7 years ago

Most of it is no longer visible, but some in on the back.
The most obvious I circled in black. It used to be really worm shaped with a black spot on the top.

I did burn off the hairs with too strong a flame, also hoping it would go away, it didn't at that time.
What I'm thinking now, if it's not an actual worm, the water was 84-85°C.
7 years ago
Not on the gofundme, but I'm running one campaign at the moment:
De Landgenoten is a Flemish organisation that is set up specifically to buy land for organic agriculture with EU organic being the minimum standard but if you come with a business plan only just meeting the law, you'll not receive any help from them (most are bio-dynamic people in the board).
Land isn't easy to sell to people if you don't promise a big return on investment and agriculture is not gonna give you a big return, if any, on investment.
7 years ago

I was harvesting chickens this morning and the first one I started de-feathering had worms or worm like thinks coming from the skin where the feather was. I'm not very experienced with chicken harvesting this way (used to skin them) and it's the first time I noticed this. In the previous batches, totalling maybe 10-15 birds, I never noticed this.

I can't find anything on this phenomena online or in the books on chickens (and their health) that I have. Not knowing what it is exactly doesn't help.

So, if this is normal, please tell me, this cock ended up on the compost pile as I didn't trust it and I wouldn't like to just have to kill them all. The cockerels are looking healthy and are active when you enter the pen.

I'm trying apple cider vinegar in the water, diatom earth, dried kelp and garlic. I used to give them pre soaked (one day) grains, but they seem to prefer dry grains.

Thank you very much!
Even if it is just a name so I can search in a certain direction, that would already help.
7 years ago

I have some land in Mol, Belgium (sand), and looking for more. Plan is to continue with the veg opperation in "you pick CSA", build on it, as well as with the chickens and pig.
Some new land still has to be developed (former corn field), so there is room for more than one full time job. I also have an old house available next door to our current living space. Here is room for a shop and or coffee/tea house.

Starting on a PDC, but before the veg, also experience with sheep (currently about 750 yews in lamb at the farm I work part time).

Shared risk = shared profit. I do not plan on employing someone as an employee!
Fiefdoms (see Joel Salatin)? Good idea!

Working as an intern/WWOOF is also an option.
http://www.wwoof.be --> whost 80

Want to know more?
Send me a purple moosage of find me via Mosterdzaadje.
8 years ago
I don't know if they even exist on the other side of the ocean, but we have a working water mill about 15km away. There we can get flour and when the package says 'no additives', it means non other than wheat and maybe some ground up stone that came off :p

But if you suspect the added stuff, you might try one of these mills.

For gluten, spelt does contain gluten, but most people with gluten intolerance can eat spelt no problem. Here, I think it's the level of gluten however I'm no doctor and I haven't seen a trained medic/ scientific paper with a good explanation yet.
Longer rising times also often reduces the problem. Friend of mine with serious gluten allergie could eat Demeter certified bread no problem. So eather a different strain of grains, the no pesticide requirement from Demeter or the 3 DAYS preparation process before the bread was ready to eat.

Demeter USA, in Germany the second most well known 'brand', after coca cola

8 years ago
I have no real experience building with round wood (except a castle when I was about 10years of age) en similar with Q. rubra, aka American oak in our area and considered an invasive alien species.
However, if it behaves similar to 'our' oak, the Q Robur, you do not want to cure it before using it. Try hamering a nail into granit, it's about as easy
Other species will handle different!

When starting with round wood, I would look at Ben Law for some inspiration.

One 'revisit' from Grand Designs, the original was from season 3, but I do not find it online any where to stream.

Also, 'Mastercrafts' from BBC. This link will sent you to the first episode of "green wood".
It will off course not teach you all the skills required, but give a sneak view for what is possible and some tips on 'how to'.

Personally, I'm looking at a not so tiny Celtic Round house (round wood timber framed) but with straw bale walls and some crazy stuff with corten steel in the roof to house my farming business. Problem is that I do not have a spare m² to put it on at the moment :p
8 years ago
Future farmers in the spotlight

I just copy pasted some text from their website in order to give you some idea:

"Future Farmers in the Spotlight is an initiative that aims to inspire and encourage the next generation of sustainable farmers.
We like to show and share inspiring stories about young farmers who have – despite the many difficulties – managed to set up farming initiatives which are innovative, viable and sustainable!

So far we filmed 16 inspiring farming initiatives in The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Greece, France and Spain.

13 young farmers’ portraits are now online!"

I watched them one after another, so I did not want to keep them for myself and as I didn't find the link on permies yet, now he is here!
8 years ago
If you see no/hardly any run off, it is maybe better to plow your swales.
I have never tried it myself before but if I would get a sloping piece of land in my area, that is what I would do (they tend to make white glass from my sub-soil )

The burning could work, but bringing in ashes from your cooking fire might also do the trick and requires probably less kgs of material transported. Maybe even make a very rough compost with wood chips (or other material) and ashes?

My plan of attack (I have one parcel that has 2m slope on 50m) is to plant asparagus in the middle

[edit]and for some reason, unknown to me, the post didn't went online so now it's maybe a little lame but anyway, it's a different method again
8 years ago
can't help you on this, but we (well, some people I'm working with) are considering building 1 old style wood fired bread oven, but also 3 mobile (on a trailer or something) ovens for pizza and other oven dishes.

At the moment, they are looking for the older type of pizza oven, but with a good rocket system, that would reduce fuel cost off course.

In other words: I hope someone comes up with a good idea/design/I don't care as long as works thing.
8 years ago