Henry Ikeme

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since Jan 03, 2013
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Recent posts by Henry Ikeme

Tj Jefferson wrote:I have had great success with deep chips and tomatoes. The problem was the full complement of minerals, I had to amend with azomite and Sea-90 and coop poop. Was like hydroponics in chips! After a while i just dug down they can get some soil contact- and they went hog wild. The only problem I had was they were very late as the mulch takes a month to warm up. But they lasted a month longer too! for the suggestion about legumes in chips, I have found none that grow in chips except vetch, and that has its own issues. Sesbania worked too but gracious it gets big.

I have always believe that there will be need for added nutrient. Wood have a very poor C/N ratio to support good plant growth.
5 years ago
Here is an interesting study on it:

"Nutritive value of conserved maize, amaranth or maize-amaranth mixture as dry season fodder for growing West African Dwarf sheep
O A Olorunnis" - http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd22/10/olor22191.htm
5 years ago
I think it is better if you start small to avoid frustration. Handling acres of land might not be that easy.
5 years ago

Karen Donnachaidh wrote:Bryant,
Thank you for sharing this. I had read where you mentioned vitamins before. That got me curious and prompted me to read more on this. I had found an interesting article in MEN called Vitamins For Vegetables, about an 11 y.o. boy who conducted an experiment with vitamins A, C, E, B1, B5, B12 and B100. I'll have to find that one again.
I plan on trying this myself. I'm also curious about giving aspirin to sick plants.

(Edit to add: MEN article link.)

Aspirin work wonders in building plants' immunity against pests and diseases. See this article on it http://www.farmersjoint.com/blog/crop-and-plantation/crops/reduce-pest-attacks-crops-aspirin/.
7 years ago
In my country, we call the tea zobo. It's normally prepared with pineapple, ginger, flavor etc. Taste great.
7 years ago
I will prefer drying to garlic oil because the heat will destroy lots of nutrients. Thanks for this inspiring topic. I will start eating garlic.
7 years ago
I don't think the manure will have any bad effect so far as you wash and cook your veg very well before eating. I'm wondering if the chickens won't eat the veg.
7 years ago