Monica, et al.:
If you haven't already, please check out The Archdruid Report at (or just google "archdruid report").
When I first discovered this weekly blog by John Michael Greer, I was researching organic gardening in the context of broader investigation into collapse and peak oil. The same line of thinking led me to Permies. You are already in this mode, so I will skip the warning that this path becomes a way of life.
I've learned a lot from these resources, and others including to name one helpful gardening site based in the PNW. I live in Portland, OR and I'm doing hugelkulture and (slowly) implementing permaculture principles on one-third of an acre. Thankfully, no HOA! The Archdruid Report is the best resource I know of on why and how our civilization will continue its ongoing decline. Note that Greer is no doomsayer; in fact he did a lengthy series debunking apocalyptic shysters, past and present.
Adam is certainly right to a point, and I'm so glad he posted his thoughts on the subject. But it's ok to balance living and loving life with a healthy dose of reality on a regular basis. Greer has all of his old posts still up on his blog. Go back a few years and sample whatever catches your eye, and work your way up to present. Other than your well-spent time, it's a free part of your (self)education.
When you do make it to the PNW, be sure to look me up for a beer or coffee or what have you. I should have some Opal Creek Snap Peas and other garden treats on hand in a few months. Best regards!!