Donna LeClair

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since Feb 07, 2013
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Recent posts by Donna LeClair

I got an oak log last winter that was inoculated with shitake spores and the holes were plugged with wax. Upon inspection this spring, the wax plugs seem to have been removed/eaten, likely by birds or mice. Anyone experienced this? Should I re-plug the holes or just leave it alone?
11 years ago
Of course, I am now curious....why do you top dress with neem?
11 years ago
Thanks for your reply Matt. Where do you get neem seed meal from?
11 years ago
@Jay....there is so much straw bedding in the mix, I would have thought there would be plenty of carbon already but I can try adding more, thank you.

@Ollie.....I like the info. about the kefir....I will read the article more thoroughly later and give it a try! Thanks.
11 years ago
Hey Folks, I am working with a pile of donkey manure at a friends' place. It has been accumulating all winter and is about 4 feet tall and a good 6 feet in diameter. I turned it once a month ago and will again soon.
Right now, it's pretty smelly...probably from the urine in the straw bedding too. I was thinking of covering it with a tarp next time I turn the pile. Any suggestions about odour control??? It's still kind of cold here so I realize the microbes won't be very active yet but some will! I'm all ears!
11 years ago
Hey Permies! I am on town water which is chlorinated and don't have eaves for collecting rainwater so I water sometimes with the garden hose. Anyone have some suggestions about in-line garden hoses to remove chlorine. Seems such a shame to encourage microbes and then drown them in chlorine
11 years ago
Hey there! I am only seeing this post now....2 and a half years later, but I did go to Merlefest 2010 and it was awesome!!!
12 years ago
I'm sure it's been covered before but who waters their houseplants with vermicompost leachate and what are your experiences???

12 years ago
Hey Brian...let me know how that goes.
12 years ago
Good advice Ollie....thank you.
12 years ago