tyler reti

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since Feb 13, 2013
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I made this to heat my camper in northern canada, yukon. I disassembled the propane heater and used all the parts from that. i attached a flexable metal hose to the exit you see where the smoke comes out and ran it out the stove vent in the camper. the metal chimney hose also gave alot of heat. One thing I did change was the insolation in the pale, sand to vermiculite.
12 years ago
I made this to heat my camper in northern canada, yukon. I disassembled the propane heater and used all the parts from that. i attached a flexable metal hose to the exit you see where the smoke comes out and ran it out the stove vent in the camper. the metal chimney hose also gave alot of heat. One thing I did change was the insolation in the pale, sand to vermiculite.
12 years ago