nathan luedtke wrote:baz, welcome to Permies!
Ernie and Erica Wisner are sort of the "rock stars" of RMH design, and I've seen Ernie on this forum a few different times making the recommendation to build a "stock" RMH before experimenting with windows/baffles/water/radiators/ovens. It's hard enough to get the basic setup correct before complicating it with "add-ons". The Wisners sell plans on their site for $20, there are many other RMH plans that can be found for free. If I was building my first RMH, and every time I changed or adapted the design, I'd want to do it outside, away from anything that could burn.
The Wisners and Paul Wheaton are working on a precast shippable RMH core that will solve much of the complexity of RMH design, and be cheap and easy.
You may want to connect with fellow Permie [url=]Dale Hodgins[/url}, he has some combo-RMH ideas that incorporate a good number of secondary uses and "add-ons".
Wyomiles Hogan wrote:Howdy Baz, welcome to permies. Yes please be patient as you can see there is tons of stuff here to read so it may take a while for those who can answer your question to find you.
In the meantime have you seen this thread?
Paul is going to put out a set of DVD's that may help you a lot .