The worldly fixation with the 'chocolate hit', and its perpetual achievement at any time of day or night, seems to me to be an addiction in the most negative sense!
Just as with nicotine and far nastier substances, the use of chocolate or substitute to trigger the endorphin-induced brain rush is a sad indictment of the human condition. Why must people rely on this type of crutch to experience an artificial sense of wellbeing for a fleeting moment? People will then default to the perennial excuse for 'just one more piece won't hurt'! Result - the large bar of chocolate is consumed in one sitting! That packet of chocolate biscuits that was supposed to last the week is gone before it has left the supermarket car park!
The search for chocolate alternatives will be self defeating and pointless. Most chocaholics will adopt their 'indignation' posture & decry any replacement or substitution! Shock-horror to suggest such a thing!
I would respectfully suggest that we rid ourselves of all forms of chocolate or any substitutes. All of it be consigned to the dustbin of unhealthy foodstuffs. We will be well rid of it! Think of the health benefits, the money saved, and the great feeling of knowing that this will no longer be a topic to include in Lenten abstention choices. The scourge of chocolate, or any substitute, will be no longer a topic for self flagellation about 'one more piece won't hurt'! Much nicer and healthier to have a cup of hot lemon tea (without any honey).
You might wonder why I have written this, potentially, explosive post? I will come clean and admit that I detest chocolate!!! All my life!!!
It is the cause of most trouble, embarassment and pain during my first 3-score-&-ten of planet occupancy. The smell is nauseating! The taste is nauseating! The texture is slime personified! The price to purchase is a reflection of organised crime extortion! (How do people afford to eat chocolate?) The effect on populations whose sole financial support is cacao is exploitative and shameful.
Try going to your best friend's 9th birthday party and a slice of chocolate birthday cake! Then having to worship the God of Porcelain after his mother has refused to accept my polite refusal of said cake, because ' everyone likes chocolate'! She made me eat it!!! 10 years later, upsetting the stunning young lady offering free chocolate surprises at the food exhibition I was attending. I never stood any chance of engaging her in polite conversation after my refusal to sample her offering!
Chocolate is disgusting and substitution would be a criminal extension. None of it should be allowed to exist. Expunge it from the face of the Earth!
Well, that is it. My rant against this abhorrent world scourge of chocolate and any substitute is unapologetically delivered. Get rid of the stuff and no substitutes please!
If you have read the above to this point, you have my thanks. Good wishes and endorphin-rushes to you all, even if you like chocolate or substitutes. Lemon tea is calling me (without honey)! Lighten up!