Daniel Shultz

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since Feb 20, 2013
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S Bengi wrote:It seems the price is only 33x.
I found this 3WHr for only $100 http://www.batteryspace.com/super-capacitor-2.7v-3000f-3.30wh-4000a-rate-bcap3000p270t04.aspx

I just found it for even cheaper at 20x. http://www.mouser.com/search/refine.aspx?Ntk=P_MarCom&Ntt=100594478&utm_source=supplier&utm_medium=featured+spotlight&utm_campaign=100594478

I'm curious how the prices here will reflect the prices of a super capacitor which is made with graphene.
I think it might make more sense to look up the price of graphite oxide.

I found this video as well while looking up graphite oxide.
it was uploaded 3 months before the one above and credits Rice University.

It also doesn't really get into the storage aspect of it. It more focuses on the capacitor aspect.

btw a brief google search shows that 500mg of graphite oxide is $160

I don't have time at the moment, but I think it might be worth checking out the wiki on graphene if all this seems to you as mysterious as it does to me.
11 years ago

I didn't see an alternative energy storage sub-forum so I hope I posted this in the right place.

the gist of how i tend to feel about electricity.
Electricity = yay! potentially clean!
Storing Electricity = boo! batteries yuck!

The video below is about a new discovery in science called a graphene supercapacitor.
I think you'll be pleasantly amazed. I nearly jumped out of my chair in excitement thinking "I must be missing something... this can't be real"


for those who don't care to watch the video:
a graphene supercapacitor charges in a fraction of the time that a normal battery takes to charge, stores electricity, and is biodegradable.

is this real? it seems too good to be true.


...my first post on permies btw.
11 years ago