Ryan Lambert

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since Feb 26, 2013
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Central Maryland 6b
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Recent posts by Ryan Lambert

In need of lime for plaster or whatever? I've got more than I can use and would like to see it get some use. I probably have a good 20 buckets full of it. It is a few years old and came bagged in pebble form but has absorbed some moisture over the years and some has become powdered. I far as I know it will still be fine for plaster as long as you hydrate and age it. I'm in union bridge, maryland. The product is from carmuese lime and stone, and is a HiCal pebble lime. Let me know if you want it. Thanks
7 years ago
We got a late start on our little cob "shed" and won't finish this year but would like to cob until it gets too cold. We are building in maryland and just had our first real cold spell with day temps in the 40's and night temps in the 20's. The new stuff we put on is squishy on top but hard beneath like it may be frozen. Is it time to pack it up for the year or can we keep going? Anybody have a bad result with building in the cold? Thanks
11 years ago
any idea why Ianto says use concrete chunks WITHOUT steel reinforcement? is it bad or just more difficult to work with?
11 years ago
anybody know a good way to insulate a rubble trench with dry stacked urbanite? the structure will be round and about 150 sq ft. walls will be load bearing and about 18 in thick at the base. located in north central maryland so we do get a bit of a winter and a hot humid summer. the cob floor will have rigid foam insulation but i guess i cant use that for the foundation due to the shape of the building. can i lay a course of something between the interior and exterior urbanite like pumice or vermiculite or pieces of foam board? or can i put something vertically into the ground and over the interior and/or exterior urbanite and plaster over it?
11 years ago
Welcome, love the sauna book, would like to learn more and try some cordwood building
11 years ago