Thank you all for your responses so far!
It is a long shot that I would acquire this property. But I am always looking at "longshots", and sometimes they pan out, like my marriage of almost 30 years, and my career of 20 years, for example.
This property was purchased in the 1940s and farmed by my grandpa until his death in 1996. At the farm's zenith, grandpa had maybe 20 head of cattle, used for both milking and beef cattle for his family of 9 children. He also had some hogs, chickens, rabbits, a couple of ponies, and an incredible 1 acre vegetable garden that he and grandma weeded by hand nearly every day during growing season. I am pretty sure that grandpa planted corn, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat. There is a creek that he dammed to create a pond, and the soil around the creek has clay. The land is near Crete, NE. The land is hilly. One of my uncles purchased the property from my grandpa's estate, and my uncle recently lost the property to foreclosure. I don't think that my uncle farmed the land much. He had a few horses, and at least part of the property was in some type of prairie restoration program. There is a large old barn that is structurally sound, and at least one other large shed / garage, as well as a garage attached to the house. The house was built in the early 1960s and needs some work. The property has electricity. Water used to be by an old windmill well, not sure about present status of water supply.