I have never owned chickens before so excuse me if this is a crazy thought.
I feel like I should explain myself so people will understand where I am coming from. I am a Buddhist and in Buddha's philosophy, he teaches compassion to every person, animal, and nature so this means being mostly vegetarian. I say mostly because the teaching also say it is ok to eat meat that has been prepared for you in order to not offend the host. Anyway, I am looking at having free range chickens for my farm and I am in the thought that when they die, it would be ok to eat them because I do not wish to waste such a precious creature. If anyone has an opinion about my thinking then please share. As for my question, I know chickens can die from many diseases. Would it be healthy for the body to consume an animal that has died from diseases? Could diseases be transmitted through the meat even if it is completely cooked through? Thank you for your help!