Stephanie Garvin

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since Mar 18, 2013
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Recent posts by Stephanie Garvin

Congratulations Cassie and a huge thank you for all you have done for permies and promoting the movement. Best of luck with your new venture, may it be everything you ever wished for and much more!
I have another suggestion. You can dismiss it as hippy s**t if you like, I won't mind, or even know

I (and many others) believe that all illness happens for a reason, essentially created by us, consciously or subconsciously because it meets a need that we have at the time. That need could be anything, but often falls in the theme of needing a rest, or perhaps some love, care or attention, or to shift priorities, or create some time for 'other' things such as those you mentioned. If, for some reason, we are not able to meet that need in other, healthier ways, we can create a situation where we are 'forced' to meet that need.

Now, I know you lot work pretty full out over there. I'm wondering when the last time was that Paul had a break, a rest, a holiday. You know, the sort where we don't do any work for a while. I'm betting it has been a while. Seems like, despite you wanting to plough on regardless, that's not a possibility right now.

Paul, have a good honest conversation with yourself, or with Cas or someone else you trust to listen empathically, about what you might be needing right now and see if you can devise a strategy whereby those needs are met. Hopefully meeting the 'needs' will 'yield' some results that will speed your recovery.

There's been an overwhelming response to this post by lots of active members and supporters around the globe. I can't speak for anyone else, but if you needed to disperse some tasks for a while to people who might be able to do them remotely, I'd be willing to explore ways that I could temporarily help or support your goal of world domination. Alternatively, send me a ticket and I'll mop your brow and administer some TLC if that's what is needed

I genuinely feel for you, my C6-C7 is the joint that has given me a lot of grief and it's a nasty one. Sleep was almost impossible. I do hope you find suitable solutions very soon. According to my osteopath, using my computer mouse too far from my body was one major source of aggravation in my case.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and big love from London, UK x
9 years ago
I suffer from similar issues from time to time and for the last 20 years have enlisted the FANTASTIC and REVOLUTIONARY help of a superb osteopath who has kept me active and got me up and running again when things were bad. They can also advise on stretches and preventative stuff as well as realigning things so the pinched bits get unpinched. Long term nerve damage can result if it isn't sorted out quickly and that's not fun. Yet, the medical professions have never once referred me to one of these guys or even alerted me to their existence. Years of going to my doctor, pain clinics, acupuncturists, hypnotherapy, steroid injections, physio, even the chiropractor, etc did little to help me and after just one visit to the osteopath I was walking tall for the first time in years. Worth a try I'd say!!!
9 years ago
I received only 1 of 2 (9 hours later). I use hotmail.
Regarding the ethics, the one I always struggled a little with was the third one, sharing the surplus. One article that really helped my full understanding of this was Toby Hemmenway's 'Finding a sense of surplus'. Now, I give my students a link to this article and encourage them to read it as part of their homework.

Here is the link:
Permaculture in Practice
The Art of Learning by Doing
6th to 30th January 2014

Jiwa Damai encourages a combination of theory and hands on practice in a supportive environment as an important approach to learning and growing. Our internships offer the possibility to design and actualize a project, either as a group or on an individual basis. Our interns receive expert support and guidance while being given the chance to take responsibility for their own learning outcomes.

At this time we are offering places for up to 6 interns to take part in a one-off group permaculture, aquaculture design project, facilitated by our in-house permaculture design trainer Stephanie Garvin. The project will involve designing and implementing an aquaculture project, including building a chinampa system, a technique used in Latin America by the Incas to successfully grow food in wetland areas. We have several swamp areas at Jiwa Damai which lend themselves ideally for such a project. To our knowledge it is the first of its kind to be implemented in Bali. It is an exciting pilot project.

This project includes free theory sessions on permaculture design for chinampa systems.

Following this internship the we offer a Permaculture through the Heart course

Our offering The Art of Learning by Doing is open for people interested in permaculture, sustainable food production and environmental conservation. No previous permaculture knowledge or experience is needed. We also invite Permaculture Design Certificate holders desiring to expand their practical knowledge and design skills. Participants need to be in good health and physical condition since the project will involve manual work in a tropical environment.

Skills that participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice during this internship include:-
Permaculture design methodologies
Assessing needs and yields
Building a stable, productive ecological system
Nutrient recycling
Using local and on site resources
Water management
Aquaculture systems
Creating energy efficient systems
Planning for diversity and habitat creation
Using edge effects to increase yield
Teamwork and task management
Plant propagation techniques
Soil building and composting

For more details or information, or to apply for a place on this internship programme, please contact us at

Optional Extras
We can provide on-site, basic accommodation and meals at Jiwa Damai Retreat Centre and Organic Garden at a discounted rate.
11 years ago
Permaculture in Practice
The Art of Learning by Doing
6th to 30th January 2014

Jiwa Damai encourages a combination of theory and hands on practice in a supportive environment as an important approach to learning and growing. Our internships offer the possibility to design and actualize a project, either as a group or on an individual basis. Our interns receive expert support and guidance while being given the chance to take responsibility for their own learning outcomes.

At this time we are offering places for up to 6 interns to take part in a one-off group permaculture, aquaculture design project, facilitated by our in-house permaculture design trainer Stephanie Garvin. The project will involve designing and implementing an aquaculture project, including building a chinampa system, a technique used in Latin America by the Incas to successfully grow food in wetland areas. We have several swamp areas at Jiwa Damai which lend themselves ideally for such a project. To our knowledge it is the first of its kind to be implemented in Bali. It is an exciting pilot project.

This project includes free theory sessions on permaculture design for chinampa systems.

Following this internship the we offer a Permaculture through the Heart course

Our offering The Art of Learning by Doing is open for people interested in permaculture, sustainable food production and environmental conservation. No previous permaculture knowledge or experience is needed. We also invite Permaculture Design Certificate holders desiring to expand their practical knowledge and design skills. Participants need to be in good health and physical condition since the project will involve manual work in a tropical environment.

Skills that participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice during this internship include:-
Permaculture design methodologies
Assessing needs and yields
Building a stable, productive ecological system
Nutrient recycling
Using local and on site resources
Water management
Aquaculture systems
Creating energy efficient systems
Planning for diversity and habitat creation
Using edge effects to increase yield
Teamwork and task management
Plant propagation techniques
Soil building and composting

For more details or information, or to apply for a place on this internship programme, please contact us at

Optional Extras
We can provide on-site, basic accommodation and meals at Jiwa Damai Retreat Centre and Organic Garden at a discounted rate.

Jocelyn Campbell wrote:

Jocelyn Campbell wrote:

It seems we are in need of a "house commander" sooner rather than later.

Cool, amazing people are coming out to help - though they are falling trees, making shakes, using a draw knife on logs, digging tank traps, etc. all up on the laboratory, and not so much around base camp.

Paul was thinking it's time to pay someone to come out, live here, and take care of the following (they would be paid poorly for now):

70% cooking, food preservation and sourcing, kitchen management
10% wild food gathering, prepping, storing
20% people space care/management
(these percentages are, of course, estimates)

The poor pay would be in addition to free room and board, so when you add in the room and board, it's actually not bad pay.

Anyone interested?

Absolutely! However I'm committed in Indonesia (Bali) for at least 6 months (teaching permaculture, organic gardening, writing food foraging courses and managing volunteers and interns as well as helping serve food etc to guests and doing all our admin work) . I'd love to come and fatten you all up with some Irish hospitality and food made with love. I'd also love to pander to the part of me that is the compulsive helper and take care of all your aches, pains, traditional medicine needs, 1st aid requirements and general cries for attention as needed. Let's keep in contact. Keep me posted when future vacancies arise from March 2014 onwards.
11 years ago
I'm also in South Sulawesi, in Makassar. Is the project still live and where are you? Do you accept volunteers? I'm a permaculture teacher in need of some meaningful activity!
11 years ago