Wesley johnsen

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since Mar 26, 2013
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Recent posts by Wesley johnsen

I am researching agriculture apprenticeships. Most of the ones i found don't offer college credit or a degree. I am trying to find one that offers training in both crops and livestock and offers at least an associates degree. I looked at the National Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship but it does not offer a degree or college credit. Can the programs be as effective at landing a job after it it is just formal training without college?
2 weeks ago
I am looking into agriculture apprenticeships. There are many options. Would an agriculture apprenticeship with a certificate beat competition for a farm management position with graduates with a degree in agriculture since an apprenticeship is hands on learning along with classes? Agriculture degree vs certificate with an apprenticeship? The dairy grazing apprenticeship is us department of labor certified and offers a certificate. The agriculture apprenticeships i looked into that offer a degree just do crops and no livestock. There is a vocational agriculture apprenticeship that does 9 months each for livestock and crops but does not offer college credit but does offer a very good set of coursework. https://www.glynwood.org/what-we-do/farm-training/apprentice-program.html
8 months ago
If i some day owned an apartment building say with 20 or 40 apartments, what would be the most profitable heating and cooling/domestic hot water system. 1: a big central wood or pellet boiler with a btu meter. 2: a basement boiler room with individual boilers that are wood or pellet marked by apartment number. firewood lockers that have a lock and key in the boiler room to. the boiler/s would do heating and cooling with an absorption chiller and hot water. I could retail the wood pellets to if i buy wholesale. Free wood if i do the cutting and splitting myself and sell it to the tenants. Wood or pellets? Pellets can avoid thermal storage.
8 months ago
I want to know if I should do a union carpentry or plumbing apprenticeship. Once I complete one of these trade focused areas, what would create the fastest return on investment for building apartments to rent out? I do all the plumbing myself and hire out everything else like say the framers or purchase the materials and do all the carpentry myself while hiring out the plumbers, hvac, electricians? What would pay off the fastest? I could create a side social enterprise that builds fully green apartments. Is there a way I could get free building materials? Like lumber if it's a social enterprise? I could run an all round handyman general contractor that does all the trades for residential and light commercial contracting. My business would work with my social enterprise to build apartments along with regular contracting as well. The rental profits go to building more apartments, fund conservation projects like conservation easements on farms and forests, worker owned aquaponic greenhouses and grocery stores where the lowest paid worker gets a living wage because it is employee owned along with many other good investments and donations.
I want to do farming as a second shift career? Should I go to Vermont tech to earn a bachelor's degree in diversified agriculture? One person said I should do an apprenticeship if I want to manage my own farm while college is great if you need teaching credentials. Apprenticeships have college degrees in farming as well. The Vermont tech degree is very well rounded in diversified agriculture and hands on. Opinions? I want to do the trades for first shift. Like be a carpenter during first shift and farming for second shift. Farmers work off farm jobs. Would you say that farming can be a social thing? I am attracted to farming because it can be socially rewarding. Like invite the world 🌎 to my farm. Any thoughts on farming being socially rewarding?
1 year ago
are there alternatives to regular cars? an example would be more like say an electric car that is made by some non name brand or a name brand that could be like a hybrid between a scooter and a car. needs good fuel mileage and cheap. highway legal and not to expensive. if you know of such a thing let me know. please is you know of such a thing or not sure give examples and a name for such a vehicle. i seen once a small carriage car thingy that sounded like a go kart but not sure what it was.
5 years ago
before the grocery store how was food sold from farmers? i know farmers markets but any other ways? did they direct market produce similar to a csa? any documentaries or books on this topic?
6 years ago
should robots replace farm labor? like say each farmer grows food like staple crops or livestock in the countryside with robots while the urban places have worker cooperatives or small scale self employment to offset the bad effects of hiring farm workers and paying them dirt? hiring farm workers to pick tomatoes for just $10 an hour for example verses growing the tomatoes in an urban greenhouse worker cooperative and earn$15 to $20 an hour. it seems cooperatives are on the rise. i am trying to figure out what is the best way to have farmers both self employed and worker cooperatives while avoiding contract labor. i like the idea of self employed farming due to it being a lifestyle where you work by yourself on a piece of land that you own and live on whether rural or urban.

here is a link to a coop:


6 years ago
should farm size matter in who should grow what? for example if the bigger farms grew all the high profit crops that require little acreage to make good profit then would this mean that the 10 acre or smaller farms would be out of business? like should there be a regulatory body that says that if you own 100 or more acres than you should only be allowed to grow staple crops or do livestock while if you own smaller tracks of land than you grow the vegetables and fruits and other high cash crops? this way everyone stays in business? some bigger farms grow hay for example which requires lots of acreage.
6 years ago