Hi everybody,my name is Martijn and i'm both a first time poster as wel as total newbie to these forums.
Anyway,to get to the point :
Does anybody here have any experience with combining a rocket mass heater with a diy food dehydrator?
I have no land to grow my own food atm,the weather/climate in the Netherlands is not really conductive to Solar dehydration,but our markets sell produce for a really low price at the end of our market days (wednesdays and saturdays) giving me/us the option to buy fresh produce in bulk (sort of).
Now me and some friends of mine do not really need a rocket mass heater to heat our homes right now,but we would like to be able to dry/dehydrate our food and have long term food storage.
So,using woodscraps and tree clippings instead of electricity or natural gas to make a dehydrator just seems like a smart idea to me,but sofar i've found sweet fa on the concept.
So anybody have any tips or ideas?
my thanks in advance,