Alison Sargent

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since Apr 06, 2013
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Recent posts by Alison Sargent

I just read recently that the sweet potato vine is edible.  I haven't tried eating it yet, but it grows well indoors.  And it is lovely.
8 years ago
Acupuncture would no doubt help tremendously, but assuming you dont have an acupuncturist near you, acupressure is something that you or loved ones can do on you. This is probably similar to trigger point therapy. Profound results from holding or putting pressure on certain points. This site is an excellent resource.

all the best!
9 years ago
Lori Ziemba wrote:
"Are you talking about cochineal, the red dye that was used to color the coats of the British army? That is actually made from a scale insect that lives on the prickly pear cactus. That is why the cactus was brought back to Europe and the Middle East. They wanted to grow it for the dye, which was very expensive. However, the plants escaped and are now a pest in many areas. "

Thanks Lori - very interesting about cochineal. I was referring to the original posting in this discussion where he mentions it is used as a dye. I'm not sure if he meant the actual cactus or the cochineal.
9 years ago
Does anyone know how it is used as a plant dye?
9 years ago
please add one deck of playing cards to my order.
Here are some fascinating videos about native california acorn and buck-eye processing...
10 years ago