Tom Haile wrote:For making coffee. I put medium ground coffee in a big mason jar filled with water and put it in the frig for a day. Then I strain out a cup. Cold brew coffee eliminates the need for a heat source.
Has anyone tried sun brewed coffee?
This is called "Cold Water Process" or "Brazilian Extract" coffee. We've used it for over 20 years. It eliminates the acid and oils that are normally boiled out of the grounds when using hot water. Just store the extract in the fridge and when you want a fresh cup of coffee, use about 1/4 cup of extract and add your hot water. So smooth. I have a really hard time drinking anything else. You can purchase a kit to make and store the coffee from several different companies but, that really isn't needed once you know how to do it. is a good place to learn about the system. Enjoy!