Jeffrey Bragg

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since Apr 17, 2013
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I am desolated to learn of Mike's passing. I never met him although I would have jumped at the chance. In 1998 (ahead of the big Y2K scare) when I lived in the Yukon with my then kennel partner, we built a big earth-sheltered storage bunker and emergency quarters using Mike's basic plans and principles. Although we left the Yukon and subsequently sold the property circa 2006-08, I'll bet the bunker is still there and in use. Earth-sheltered construction was a fairly popular option in the Yukon bush, where others had quite independently come to some of Mike Oehler's conclusions.

Ave atque vale, Mike, old friend that I never got to meet in the flesh, hail and farewell. You were a pioneer of self-reliant, independent, earth-friendly alternative housing -- long may you be remembered for your intrepid exploration of earth-sheltered construction on the cheap! I shall be broody for weeks to come knowing Mike has gone. I feel as though the foundation sills of my own independent life were being taken away one by one -- such are the feelings of old age and inexorable change. Sunt lacrimae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt.
8 years ago