ValiJo Miller

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since Apr 21, 2013
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Recent posts by ValiJo Miller

Can't beat Sassafras, but I had a sow who roamed the ranch yard freely.  She took it upon herself to break up the ranch dogs when they got in a fight, which was quite frequent, as one thought she didn't need any other farm dogs on the place.   One day Daisy was behind me, when the dogs who were in front of me, got into it.  I knew what was going to happen, but wasn't quick enough to get out of her way.  Daisy barreled right between my legs flipping me over backwards.  By the time I got up, the dog fight was over.
1 month ago
Hello, there
I think this new homesteading interest is exciting and important in the world we live in now.  My heritage goes back to a brave woman who came West - a widow with 4 children- to file on a homestead.   And succeeded.   It wasn't easy then. Homesteading is still challenging.  But worth it.  Back then, neighbors were the "Permies Forum".   Today the internet  helps to instruct.
I am still operating a small ranch in Montana, but would like to semi-retire.  There is room here on the ranch, for someone with grit to deal with the area, to do most everything so many are interested in trying.  (Except for going out the back door and cutting down a tree.  But forests are not that far away.)  On the plus side, there are tools and outbuildings.  If interested in exploring this option, even on a temporary basis while learning, let me know.
7 years ago
What a lovely family photo!  
I am still looking for a person or family to share my place.  
If a place in MT would interest you, email me at
8 years ago
I would be seriously interested in visiting with you.  I am in northern MT, just east of the Rockies.  Please email me at
8 years ago
Hi Vickie Marie,
Well,  I just read an article about using the phrase "It depends..." to explain something .....  

It depends...

The camper I have for night lambing has electricity and thus lights, refrig, a fan, heater, microwave.  

The trailer I bought a few years ago for extra housing for interns or Helpers,  needs some major work - subfloor at the back, I discovered after the purchase,  was spongy,  and  then carpenter #2 that I  hired last summer broke a window in the trailer as he was unloading some lumber for construction at the house.  

Running water:  House Bathroom would need to be shared, and meals would be best prepared and eaten at the house.  

This isn't much to offer, but it is what I have at this moment to start someone off with.  

Suggested scenario:  stay in the camper until trailer could be moved to another location, remodeled (repaired), and set up.   Septic line added to join the existing system at the house;  electricity  and water lines
put in.   OR if you prefer, you build a tiny house or greenhouse home or whatever.  

I have internet, not necessarily high speed, but part of that could be because it isn't wired in (thru the phone line) like it should be.  When the 1st carpenter got himself into trouble,  the upstairs remodel came to a screeching halt.  Consequently, the office is still temporarily downstairs on temporary wired connections.

I realize that efforts to make improvements on this ranch read like a soap opera.  But you sounded in your posting like you could deal with less than perfect until better living arrangements could be built.  

I lot more things would need to be discussed, but I hopefully answered your first inquiry.  


8 years ago
Hi Vickie Marie,
I am looking to semi retire, kids are raised.   I believe we could work out a mutual agreeable situation.  I have a small ranch in northern MT, prairie setting, but not far from the mountains.  I did post a notice on the Homestead site.  The ranch is an old homestead, so has outbuildings already.  If your carpentry skills could be used in an exchange to set you up for your needs, that would be great.  My email is   Thanks.  
8 years ago
I have a small sheep ranch I am willing to share with the right person(s) interested in homesteading in MT.  It is a prairie setting, no woods, but mountains are an hour away.  There are  two creeks, fish, varied terrain, and an established site perfect for a greenhouse home.   A large garden area is next to one of the creeks.    The barns are still in use, but are needing some repairs, as does the root cellar.  I can mentor those interested in having some livestock who have no prior livestock experience.  My email address is

8 years ago
Hi Alexander,
Would land in Montana interest you? I have 275 acres that is not being utilized as it should be, or could be. There is so much it has to offer, but it is more than I can realize alone. If you are interested in visiting more about this, please email me at Sincerely, Val
8 years ago
Since you posted your info a month ago, my first question is "Have you found your place to be?"
If you are still looking for options, and if you would be interested in a place in MT, I would like to visit with you.
I have been a host/teacher to interns and Helpers for about 10 years now. My land has many opportunities and options.
It also is an old homestead with historic interest, and one of my goals is to get it listed on the historic register.
8 years ago