Hi Vickie Marie,
Well, I just read an article about using the phrase "It depends..." to explain something .....
It depends...
The camper I have for night lambing has electricity and thus lights, refrig, a fan, heater, microwave.
The trailer I bought a few years ago for extra housing for interns or Helpers, needs some major work - subfloor at the back, I discovered after the purchase, was spongy, and then carpenter #2 that I hired last summer broke a window in the trailer as he was unloading some lumber for construction at the house.
Running water: House Bathroom would need to be shared, and meals would be best prepared and eaten at the house.
This isn't much to offer, but it is what I have at this moment to start someone off with.
Suggested scenario: stay in the camper until trailer could be moved to another location, remodeled (repaired), and set up. Septic line added to join the existing system at the house; electricity and water lines
put in. OR if you prefer, you build a tiny house or greenhouse home or whatever.
I have internet, not necessarily high speed, but part of that could be because it isn't wired in (thru the phone line) like it should be. When the 1st carpenter got himself into trouble, the upstairs remodel came to a screeching halt. Consequently, the office is still temporarily downstairs on temporary wired connections.
I realize that efforts to make improvements on this ranch read like a soap opera. But you sounded in your posting like you could deal with less than perfect until better living arrangements could be built.
I lot more things would need to be discussed, but I hopefully answered your first inquiry.