Ryan Harp

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since Apr 23, 2013
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I'm interested in trading "know-how" and making connections to those with earth friendly interests. 
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Recent posts by Ryan Harp

We've got the Facebook group started. Kansas City Homesteaders

Come on out and join the fun. After our last video chat we agreed that Facebook was where we were spending most of our networking time anyhow so it became clear that we should just start a group up. This permies forum can still be a good area we can discuss permaculture stuff but likely won't be as heavily visited as the new FB page.
8 years ago
Alright team, tonights another video chat night. Let me know what your Gmail email address is so I can make sure you get the invite.

Complete this Form please with your Gmail email.
8 years ago
More info to come on how to access this video chat. BTW anyone who has been able to run a group video chat in google hangouts please let me know. It didn't pan out the last time we tried and we ended up using Zoom which was limiting for time. And spread the word!
8 years ago
Hi Natalie,

The Hangout was great! We did have some technical difficulties but managed to get about 40 minutes of conversation done by 4 of us. We spoke a bit about "stacking functions" but mostly just about what each of us was up to. I've been thinking about initiating another but will likely wait until after the holidays.

Looking at the calendar, how does Friday Jan 15th sound for another round of online video chatting? I have another topic in mind to get the conversation going unless someone else would like to volunteer to organize the next one. Either way works for me.

8 years ago
I'm keeping the google hangout open but I'm guessing it's not working right. Try this link for a Zoom meeting... https://zoom.us/j/555981291
9 years ago
Still 8 unless you all know something I don't.
9 years ago
I think we're still safe with the google hangouts... Here is the meeting event page for Saturday. KC Stacking Functions Video Chat
9 years ago
And please share!
9 years ago

I'm still working out the best way to host this, Google has changed hangouts and I'm starting to think Join.me is going to be far easier for all involved. Stay tuned, I'll update soon.
9 years ago