Hello everyone. I am new to the forum, and to these wonderful pigs. We have had our pair exactly 5 days. LOL They were a gift from a friend. The sow is pregnant, and the previous owner "thinks" she is due in about 3 weeks. The agreement is, once the babies are weaned, my friend gets the entire litter...I get to keep the 3 yr old breeding pair. Not too bad a deal, I think. However, I am very new to these pigs, and just hope I know what I am doing. I have read up on them over the last 2 years...but I am sure there is a LOT I still need to learn. We currently have them in a 40 x 60 area, with a grassy/sunny front, shrubs and brush in the middle, and the back is under the trees with a small ditch running through the pen...never gets more than 2 inches deep in water. Their hut is 4 x 5ft..and so far they seem to be happy. I was told I can leave the male in with her when she has her little ones, that he will protect her/them. I hope this is true! So far they are sleeping together in their hut, and seem to be getting along just fine.