Wow Jason, that's one heck of a journey you've gone through. So glad to hear you're feeling better now. You certainly deserve it after so many years. My problems started when I was 18, and I'm 22 now. And yeah, I avoid anti-depressants like the plague too after seeing what it did to my cousins in America. So it's still a mystery where my fluoride intake is coming from.
Bob; thanks for looking that up, but I had already read that link and unfortunately it's outdated. This was before the re-classification. And what they say about it being the same as German "Wasch Soda" and "Kaiser Borax" is wrong; Wasch Soda is like the Englisch washing soda (, and Kaiser Borax USED to be Borax, and was apparently used for decades as a household skin care and foot bath product; but the company had to remove Borax from it's ingredients a couple of years ago to conform with regulations ( I already asked at the pharmacy, they had never heard of Boron or Borax, then I asked at a local natural health store, neither had they.... so yeah, it's been taken out of circulation pretty conprehensively here in Germany. I even contacted two industrial chemical dealers who sell Borax on to other companies and manufacturers, but both refused to sell it to me.
Oh yeah, I intend on trying Lugol's iodine as well... but that one should be easy to get a hold of here.