Hi there! I decided to make a new garden bed to plant some corn and beans along the back yard privacy fence. I fenced a 20 ft. long by 4 ft. strip with chicken wire, laid down cardboard, covered the area with leaves left over from the fall, then topped it with about a 1 1/2 inch layer of chicken bedding that's been composting for 2 years, then covered that with about 2 inches of top soil. Before i laid down the compost and dirt, the leaves were about a foot deep. But now, the whole things is only about 4 inches deep. My hope was that as the corn grew, the cardboard would be killing the grass under it and decomposing, so in a few weeks, the corn would be able to stretch their roots down there. Of course, if it doesn't work out this year i don't consider it a complete loss, as at least i'll have a start on a good bed for next spring. But does anyone know if this will work? I have a feeling it may not be deep enough and that the cardboard won't break down fast enough. BTW, our soil is very "clayish" around here.