Jon Santiago

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since May 23, 2013
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thanks al! i didn't realize there were nay-sayers... I'm a rocket stove builder and a masonry heater builder, and think information about one is definitely helpful when thinking about the other, as we all seek to grow and improve. best, jon
11 years ago
time-lapse video with great music of a russian rocket build in argentina
11 years ago
here's an amazing time lapse video of an adobe "russian rocket" build
11 years ago
Hi All, I'd like to share this article about ultra low cost masonry heaters I've been building in Argentina. the whole idea was born out of an article (linked in my article) written by a heater builder from Canada, Alex Chernov, in which he proposes an alternative, based on the latest in masonry heater design, to the classic rocket heaters. in Argentina, where there is an amazingly potent rocket heater "movement," we've generated a rich debate on pros/cons of the rocket vs. this new "russian rocket." I think many of you will find this interesting food for thought.
11 years ago