Edward Heart

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since May 28, 2013
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EPDM Rubber hoses (synthetic rubber)  seems to be the cleanest of readily available hose, they are often red, black and sometimes green in color and compatible with hot water
Most RV hoses are pvc, which I understand  is outlawed for dinking water in Europe.
For plastic hose, usually the harder the plastic, the more safe they are for potable water
I hope this is helpful
6 months ago
Sanctuary forest in the Mattole valley does an annual series of hikes Spring to Autumn, one being edible / medicinal plant hike that happens around May.
"Sanctuary Forest is a land and water trust whose mission is to conserve the Mattole River watershed and surrounding areas for wildlife habitat and aesthetic, spiritual, and intrinsic values in cooperation with our diverse community."
The Woman who guides it is very knowledgeable.
It has already happened for 2023, maybe you can attend in 2024
Here is a link

Best Wishes
1 year ago
I mentor in Nature / energetic  communication.
Extensive background in permaculture, watershed restoration & off grid living
If interested, please send a purple moosage
1 year ago
Accepting applications for Nature Communication internship in Northern California.
Learn Nature communication while participating in Permaculture and Watershed restoration projects.
Learn to teach yourself from Elder  Instructor / Guide with decades of experience to share

If interested, please send purple moosage
Thank you
1 year ago
Thank you for this post !!

Jennifer Panicacci-
suggest you contact tree services in your area and also keep asn eye out for them when they are working in your area, they often look for places close by to doscard chips and woody debris.

Best Wishes
1 year ago
Hi Nomi,

I'll send a purple moosage

Thank you
1 year ago
For me, Dental (and overall body)  health starts with body chemistry and its relationship with hydration
Plaque doesn't grow in a mouth within a body with  balanced body chemistry (slightly alkaline)

Most people are dehydrated, usually not from lack of water, but for lack of minerals and salt that allow cells to absorb water.
Without sufficient  salt & minerals, drinking water tends to flush more minerals and salts from the body (dark urine is an indicator) furthering dehydration

A solution referred to as "Solay"  /  "Sole' "  can be made from SEA Salt and water and then added to drinking water, soup, stir fry , margueritas etc
I understand Solay is the most easily absorbed form of electrolytes there is.
Youtube has many videos about Solay, I suggest watching a few as most of the ones I've watched have bits of misinformation / inaccuracies
I understand that the average adult needs about one tablespoon of SEA SALT each day

WARNING- Stay away from table Salt as  it has an acidifying effect on the body chemistry !!!

I find that when my body chemistry is balanced, I wake in the morning with slick teeth, like I just came from a dental cleaning
Smoking, drinking alcohol , eating starches & sugars makes the body acidic and plaque grows quickly
If one can maintain balanced body chemistry over time, cravings for sweets and starches will tend decrease

Bone broth helps teeth repair, Weston Price foundation has good tips on how to prepare
In general, slow cook whole meat with bones, fat , cartilage , skin

I understand that minerals are stored in our bones and when we don't get enough minerals, the body will pull minerals from thee bones to function
I also understand that  the loss of minerals in the bones over time leads to  what mainstream medicine calls Osteoporosis, brittle bones

I also find that Sea Salt is vital  in agriculture

Best to all for stellar health <3

2 years ago
A great resource Book:
Finding And Buying Your Place In The Country by Les Scher 1974

Best Wishes
2 years ago
I believe what you may need is a LVD , Low Voltage Disconnect.
Most inverters have a built in LVD, but not all, some are adjustable, some not
Some charge controllers have  load management (LVD)  built in (Morningstar & others)
LVD can be added between batteries and load(s)
High current LVDs usually use relays or contractors that usually draw extra power and tend to be expensive

I have used LBVDs from Galley Power with great success,
disconnect voltage is adjustable on these and they use very little power internally
My favorite usage is for controlling power to freezers, the freezer will run during the day when voltage is higher  and not at night when voltage is lower so power is available for home lighting , radio etc.  In my situation the freezer runs about the same amount of time, just pulling from abundant daytime solar  power rather than more costly night time power from batteries . Doing this has allowed running a smaller battery bank reducing costs and collateral damage to our environment. This works best when freezers are full with more thermal mass stabilizing the temperatures through the night
It is also possible to run freezers/ refrigerators  array direct, so long as there is enough thermal mass to have stable temperatures through the night.

Running 20 batteries  (10 parallel strings of 2) can and is likely to create issues with self discharge due to imbalances in the individual batteries.
You may consider  going to a 24 or 48 Volt system and/ or using larger batteries with higher amp hour ratings and fewer parallel strings
This factor seems less of an issues when charging is more  frequent or continuous , such as summer time solar or with hydro-electric running 24/7 and more of an issue during the Fall & Winter on  solar / generator  systems. This factor seems to increase as batteries age as  each battery degrades differently than the others causing further imbalance. It is possible to analyze each battery and reconfigure batteries to create more balance, but the process isn't something most get excited about.

Best Wishes
2 years ago