My brother has been creating a documentary about small businesses creating sustainable value and social change by giving equal weight to people. planet, and profit. It profiles is Sow True Seeds, TS designs, Piedmont Biofuels, as well as Kevin Trapani from The Redwoods Group. I've put more of a description below as well as the trailer and some other clips from the film. He's doing a kickstarter to raise the funds to finish producing it-if it's some thing you find inspiring donations of any size are appreciated and/or please share with anyone you think might enjoy it. Link to the Kickstarter page, which also has the trailer and even more info is here:
Real Value Kickstarter
Real Value is an independent documentary that explores real, profitable businesses that choose to focus not just on the bottom line, but on the health of their surrounding communities and the environment.
To these businesses, things like manufacturing goods in the USA, paying fair wages, and taking care of the environment isn’t going the extra mile - it’s just common sense. They know that business and community are interrelated, and that when their communities are happy and healthy, their businesses are more likely to be the same.
In keeping with the ideals of the film, all of the interviews for Real Value were locally sourced from the state of North Carolina. However, while the businesses and people are from one geographic area, this is a film with global appeal for any business owner, entrepreneur, or customer who is looking to better understand what happens when a business puts people, profit, and planet on equal footing.