matt dee

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since Jun 25, 2013
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Im from Ireland aswell=]
Anyways i have 12 hens and two roosters in possibly an area a bit bigger than yours. Theyve been there for the last three years ( were free ranging before hand but the fox got hungry ) and its fine^^ in my experience if there is nothing in the run it wont last at all. But the run they are in now has multiple trees and shrubs, aswell as rotting pieces of wood which attract many insects. Its like a house in my view. If there were no internal walls it wouldnt last anyone any length of time as it would all be a mess. But if you add a wall or two, such as trees then it will last. I dunno, i just confused myself:x also throwing them the old vegetables in at different places will bring them to new parts of the run, which hopefully they will want to disvover.
Good luck:)
11 years ago
Id say a lightning rod would help, and itd be the best thing to do
11 years ago
None of my hens have feather mites. Because they always have dust baths. It dislodges any mites on them.
They do have scaly leg though. Which is caused by them living in damp or wet places ( im Irish, its inevitable). They are currently being treated with a spray by Total Poultry Solutions. And for my younger hens it works as prevention. Some one recommended covering their feet and vaseline, and this suffocates the mites that cause it. The spray does the same thing but it is a whole lot easier and there is less of a mess.

11 years ago
I have 9 hens and two roosters, i need to buy a few more hens! What do you think?
11 years ago
No one has a real problem with rabbits, where i live anyway:/ my neighbour even has a haggart behind his house, and nothing gets even a nibble
11 years ago
I want to learn how to snare properly, and i want to replenish the numbers, as from what i have seen its a fairly small group
11 years ago
Haha yeah it is:) Its at the entrance to a field, and right next to it is a few puddles of water, so i doubt it. Theyre defintely going in, too!
11 years ago
To be honest i dont really know:3
11 years ago
I live in Ireland. If you go down the fields before 08:00 you should see a handful of rabbits. But i want a lot more around. What can i do to attract them or just to maintain numbers?
Also is there any downside to bringing up the rabbit population here?
11 years ago
I know but there are tons of them in my house today:3 im afraid to death of them because of it lol
11 years ago