Dave Dahlsrud

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since Jun 25, 2013
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North-Central Idaho, 4100 ft elev., 24 in precip
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Recent posts by Dave Dahlsrud

I made a blog post a while back with my take on building soil with the help of "weeds".  Long story short sometimes the right plant for the job of repairing damage done to the fertility of soil is just a weed!  Knowledge is power and knowing when the "weed" you see is actually mobilizing nutrients in the soil vs. robbing them is key....

Building soil with the help of "weeds"
4 months ago
Oh and a quick follow up to that one...
4 months ago
This is how we like to start our chickens out...

Get them going on the good stuff right out of the gate!
4 months ago
Scavenger hunting a bit so I'll repost a video I shared 10 years ago since the algorithm doesn't seem to be picking it up...

This is a great set of movies to get going with RMH tech!  From intro to how to build your own these vids have it all.  Highly recommend getting them if you have any interest in running down the rabbit hole that can be rocket mass heaters.....let them be your guide.  I give this set of movies 10 out of 10 acorns!  Best resource on RMH that I know of, check them out folks!!!
5 months ago
Thanks for the clarification!  This sounds like an exciting project, we're in!!  Where do we sign up and when can we start?
1 year ago
Quick question.....Is the zone requirement based on the USDA map or on actual observed temps?  The map shows us as 6a, but we're in a cold microclimate and temps yearly dip into that -13F to -16F range for a few days each winter.....-27F this winter!  If that works we'd be happy to take on this challenge!!
1 year ago
I give this book 8 out of 10 acorns.

I received my copy as part of a giveaway here on Permies back in the day and thought I'd share a review....finally.

It's super informative about all things wood gasifier, and has great illustrations/ instructions on how to recreate Ben's success building these marvels!  There are specs for getting parts machined along with contact information to purchase specialized bits and pieces.  I especially appreciate the step by step guidelines for making wood gasifiers reliable and efficient.  This is a great companion for anyone who is "off grid" but still relying on propane that want to actually be off grid!  Check it it's well worth the read!!!
2 years ago