Tyler Smith

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since Jul 30, 2013
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Recent posts by Tyler Smith

Okay. This is great information. I will have make about a quarter acre pen for the calf[s] to keep off of mom while I dairy her. Any other infrastructure that I could need besides maybe a stanchion and a robust fence?

Any ideas on combating star thistle? it's not a huge part of the pasture, but it appears to be making inroads. I've pulled out what I could find, and I don't want it to be overrun next year. Discing comes to mind, followed by seeding desired forages.

Any preferences here, besides alfalfa? The plan now is to grow that in some of my garden beds and hay it. I have tons of two-row barley too that I could 'fukuoka' on the meadow below my house. It's not fenced so it would have to be hayed as well.

You have all been extremely helpful.
9 years ago
Thanks for all the advice guys. I guess I should say a little more about the land, since I am absolutely interested in happy animals!

It's not irrigated, but has a seasonal creek that stays green with herbs like mugwort, himalayan blackberries and yarrow. It is also heavily shaded by a green canopy. There is also a black walnut orchard on the far side of the house, and a wide-open five acre pasture that I'll probably work with them to get dry-farmed with wine grapes, something I've become good at. Obviously they can't coexist, but hopefully a smaller breed of cow, like a Dexter, on that ten acres wouldn't be too much. The property is about 2200 feet up into the Sierra Nevada foothills, in a cooler, wetter area. If it rains anywhere this low, we get some. Supplementing with alfalfa would be okay, but I am interested in setting some pigeon pea and cowpea in a sequestered area for later grazing, and possibly haying half the property for the leaner summer months. Is that robbing peter to pay paul or would it work?

I am committed to sustainable farming and happy animals. It would be cool to have a dairy, but the Dexter is a dual-purpose breed, and can be slaughtered if the game doesn't play out. It would also be possible to move the cow to another pasture, though I would need to fence it. Anyone have any experience with cattle and electric fencing?

Thank you all for your insights and advice. This is proving to be a most useful community!

9 years ago
Was thinking either Dexter or Jersey, am purchasing books to learn more - including Adam's.

The pasture is dry, there is a seasonal creek that runs through it, and I would want the 10 acres to provide enough pasture for the animal[s].

Questions are:

Breed and #? Looking for good feed conversion on dry pasture and also a reliable way to figure out carrying capacity for the pasture.

Does anyone have experience feeding cattle beans or pulses? Is this okay? Are there other droughty crops that are good for cattle that I should know about?

What do I need to do to become a producer and retailer of raw milk and raw milk products in California, or who would know?

If a cow has a calf, how does one milk it? What happens to the calf?
9 years ago
My degree is in farm business management. If you want some feedback, I'd be happy to peek at what ya got.
11 years ago
Looks like someone replied, but yes, the answer is Tularemia [after Tulare County].

I would still check with local fish and game and ask about safe handling procedures. Better safe than sorry!
11 years ago
The first thing you need to know is that wild rabbits, especially cottontail rabbits can have a serious disease that is communicable to humans. Gloves should be worn when handling raw meat, and caution should be exercised.

I prefer the clean meat of the .22 rimfire, but daytime shotgun hunts are doable too. Rabbits love brambles - roses and blackberries - so wear tough overalls and buy a small .410 or 28 ga shotgun. If you're an absolutely astounding shot, try the .22.

The key is to advance toward where you think rabbits may be, guns at the ready, and then stop suddenly every 10 paces or so. Any nearby rabbits freak out when you stop, thinking they've been discovered, and run for it. That's when you blast the little shit. You'll be shootung through brush, so use like #4 shot.
11 years ago