Bob Andrews

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since Aug 11, 2013
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Well that's an interesting paper that completely contradicts my own experiences. Years ago I made dietary choices where I increased my protein intake, wasn't afraid of healthy fats, and greatly lowered my carbohydrate intake to simple watery fibrous carbs and cut out all sugars and complex carbs that my body processed exactly like sugars. I guess nowadays it would fall under the auspices of the hip trendy meme of "paleo." After years of maintaining these dietary choices I visited my doctor to run the gambit of age related tests like cholesterol. My results were interestingly different from this study. Put simply, my bad cholesterol was very low and my good cholesterol was high, so high in fact I was told by my doctor that I was bad for business, to keep doing whatever I was doing, and that my good/bad cholesterol ratio would actually reverse plaque deposits if I had any. Hmmm, maybe those mice needed a treadmill. Just saying.
11 years ago
Hi all,

Just one additional thing to consider with Paw paws that I learned from Doug Elliot:
They can be tricky to fruit in a forest since they require pollination from a different paw paw variety. Paw paw patches in the wild are generally the propagation of one singular Pawpaw tree suckering out. Also the flowers are protogynous, meaning that the stigma (the female receptive organ) ripens before the pollen, and is no longer receptive when the pollen is shed and since they do not self pollinate, a pawpaw patch may not produce fruit. Various blossom timing between varieties may also increase the degree of difficulty in setting fruit. Just some things to consider. We're growing a few each of a couple completely different varieties to maximize our fruiting vector, and if natural pollinators aren't successful, hand pollination will be in order.
11 years ago