hello i am myself ,a city dweller who is experimenting with bagged-dirt wall building...i have no construction experience..the only thngs i'm really 'skilled' at are art and music....but my backyard is kind-of private and so i've decided to build an earth-cave-like structure out of mud/clay-and dirtbags also lots of fallen-treebranches...basically i use just about anythng i can use from mother-earth herself..that's FREE of cost to me...i like to recycle as much as possible so paper and trash get burned and reused into my mudmixes....soo..here i have this man-made cave looking structure in my backyard where there is a firepit in the back-end of it((completly enclosed in mud/dirt))...anyways...last couple winters i was out burning tree branches and papertrash in my cave...and most of the heat stayed in my cave...somtimes i walk around on the outside of it to see if i can feel any heat escaping anywhere....but nope...outside walls are dry and cool...it's rather primitive looking..but at least it works..