I am not sure whether I should start a new thread or add to Bethany's. Please et me know if it would be better to start a new thread.
Since the house was already built with regular siding in mind, I'm going to use flat sheet siding with a faux stucco finish and trim will be 1x6 lumber painted dark, but the stone is the quandary here. I'm going to need some kind of veneer type finish just because the house is already built and I don't want stones sticking out 10 inches from the outside.
Like Bethany, I want to put a stone front that will sort of look like the bottom 2-4 feet of my house, but not actually be part of the structure. The house will have flat sheet siding, looking like vertical wood on the top and the bottom two feet is psedo stucco....on which I wanted to see a rock face. I am going for sort of a "craftsman" look on my unusual double octagon home. We live on glacial moraine on the Olympic Peninsula and have lots of our own rock. Unlike Bethany, I was not looking for a veneer type finish and have no concerns about the rock sticking out "10 inches from the outside" though I think half that is more likely. The house has a massive foundation with radiant floor heating...I blogged the whole construction process at www.dragonbellyfarm.wordpress.com. Granted this is not a tiny, earth type house. It was too late in my life for that dream. After telling my husband I wanted this since we began the design, he is now saying that building such a wall would cause moisture problems in the house.
I thought we could build it dry, but he says because I prefer the rounded stones to the jagged ones, that won't work, a combination, perhaps. We have done tile work so have some experience working with thinset and some with mortar.